The Impact of Cinema on Society

The Impact of Cinema on Society

The first cinema was the 15th century in the middle east, when there was a method of recording sound by burning an image, then the picture took a couple of weeks to copy. A few centuries later, when film started to be developed commercially, this process became much simpler, as film could be developed in seconds rather than hours, and images could be recorded on a roll of film and viewed immediately. The development of cinema resulted in the invention of new media, such as motion pictures, which had a profound impact on art, literature and culture all over the world. Today, things have moved on dramatically and cinemas display everything from the latest scientific breakthroughs to classic movies on giant screens for everyone to enjoy.


But the impact of cinema goes far beyond the realm of entertainment. It is also responsible for many of the rules and values that are part and parcel of modern society. To take a classic example, one of the first laws of cinema that was set out in 1937 was that films should show people in their most natural forms, so that they did not appear forced or contrived. This principle is still very relevant today, and although it may not always seem like it, the influence of cinema on society as a whole has been profound. Thanks to cinema, we have learned to respect the natural look of human beings and to see them in their most natural form, with all the emotions and thoughts that go with it.

Cinema is a wonderful invention, and has helped shape modern society in many ways. However, it is also useful as an educational tool. Although people often take cinemas to be pure entertainment, the influence of cinema is far greater than that. Cinema teaches us about the society around us, and the true nature of man. It is something that we can learn from and take with us into the real world, through its influence. Therefore, whether you love cinema or not, the impact of cinema on society cannot be denied, and we owe it to all those who have enjoyed it to continue to learn and respect its importance.