Making A Film Update
There are a lot of people that would like to make their film industry more popular, and the way they do this is by making a film update. This is when they take what they already have done and improve upon it, adding new scenes and music, and generally just making the film better. I am of course the first one to point out the obvious, which is that everyone wants to see a film they really like, but a film update has been used so frequently to this point that it has lost all of its original meaning. It seems like a bunch of people are just making these movies to cash in on the trend, and they aren’t actually hoping to make any sort of serious artistic statement with their work.
Film updates have been around for years, but they haven’t been used very much in recent years because people weren’t quite sure about them. People were afraid that people would stop going to the movies because they wouldn’t be able to find anything new or exciting. After a few years of this “people don’t go to the movies anymore” theory, the “making a film update” theory took hold and the film industry made huge changes. Nowadays, people go to the movies in their pants and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. People want to see new things, and the film industry realizes this.
All you need to do is ask the people that have been making the films for a while, and they will tell you that they are dying to make more films. The trick is to simply do something different, and not draw too much attention to yourself with your film. If your film follows that formula and doesn’t seem too “important” it won’t matter how many people see it, because no one will be bothered. People want to see something that is new and interesting, but the film industry is moving away from this idea at this point. People want films that are just going to be fun, and hopefully that can help keep the film industry alive for a long time.