Looking For a Film Update? Here Are Some Tips

Looking For a Film Update? Here Are Some Tips

Many of us keep getting requests from our friends and family asking if we have a film update on a particular movie that they have just seen. We have all been asked to see it at one time or another, so I thought I would give you some advice on what to do if the request comes in. First of all, just because someone wants you to see a film, doesn’t mean it is any good – sometimes they just want you to see what is in pre-production, or a rough cut.

If you get a request, I suggest you do not drop everything and watch it immediately. There are a lot of films that get postponed or lost in the pile of other films to be seen. Instead, get on your computer and open up your favorite internet browser. Once you find the film that you want to see, go to the producers website and see what it is called. Usually they give a synopsis of the film and the link to the film itself. This will let you know right away if the film is a worthwhile investment of your precious time.

If the film you are looking at has a long shot or actors that you are not familiar with, then it might not be worth your time to watch. Ask questions about their film careers, but keep in mind that unless you like the film, you will not be spending the extra money to see it. But if you really enjoy the film, you will most likely ask to see the rest of the film, which is always okay. If you are in need of a film recommendation, this is how I get mine, but if you have never seen a film, chances are you won’t either.